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Are you dreaming of a ministry idea that that needs to be self-supporting?


Do you want to do ministry part-time (or for free) but can’t really afford it?


Would you love to help others find a way to generate income and do ministry at the same time?


Are you thinking about starting a nonprofit?


Do you dream of expanding your church’s mission in a sustainable way?


Have you been thinking about starting a for-profit ministry to fund other ministries?











Ministry Incubators helps creative people and congregations transform social enterprise dreams into sustainable ministries. 


Here's what that means. We invest our time and experience in you and your missional enterprise, helping you find (or create) the resources you need. We walk alongside you as coaches, mentors, and consultants as your entrepreneurial ministry idea unfolds. Like business incubators, we create learning communities that involve intensive planning sessions with experienced mentors and peers. 


Here's the technical description of what we do: We're a social capital investment firm that specializes in missional entrepreneurship.


Using deliberate and constructive filtering processes, we help you inventory your resources before you begin to build and coach you through communicating your vision, developing your ministry model, and designing a sustainable financial plan. We also help you clarify your venture's theological framework so you can create a genuinely faith-based enterprise.


In short, we help you make the world awesome.


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