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Hatchathon Incubator

Princeton Theological Seminary

March 4-6, 2015

(registration is limited)

Click here to register for discounted rate

(thanks to collaboration with Princeton Theological Seminary's Institute for Youth Ministry)



Start Up Clinic 

New Ministry Apprentice Program/Chaplains Corps

Ocean Grove, NJ

August 26-29, 2015

(Thank you for your interest; registration is full)




  • Launch Consultation (individuals, congregations, organizations)

  • Hatchathon Incubator (for individuals)

  • Hatchathon Accelerator (for teams)

  • Hatchathon Laboratory (for executive leaders and                                                                                 organizations)

  • Start-Up Clinic (targeted for specific groups)

  • Targeted consulting relationships                                                                                                     (individuals, congregations, organizations, missional enterprises)





Available at any stage in your venture.  


A consultation with your team, leaders in your support community, and potential stakeholders to clarify your missional idea; identify potential assets, barriers, and stakeholders; and propose financial models.


We’ll meet with your launch team (or launch champion), and/or potential funders. We’ll help you begin to discern strengths, risks and opportunities of your venture, offer a concrete set of recommended “next steps” and a timeline for launching your ministry venture. 


  • Onsite Consultations involve approximately 12 contact hours with key stakeholders. We recommend starting with a leadership team dinner on Day 1 and concluding with a stakeholder dinner on Day 2.  


  • Online Team Consultations are approximately 8 hours and are scheduled in 2 hour blocks over 2-5 days.


  • Online Individual Consultations are approximately 6 hours and are scheduled over 2-3 days.


Click here for more information or to schedule a consultation. 



HATCHATHON INCUBATOR (for individuals)


Recommended if you are still clarifying if your idea, or if you want to lay the groundwork for getting your entrepreneurial ministry venture off the ground.


A 2-day intensive “hatch” process to clarify your missional focus, ministry goals and activities, economic model, and help you start translating your idea for ministry into action. You will create prototypes for your venture’s framing documents and develop an initial “pitch toolbox” to communicate your idea to stakeholders and potential funders.


You come with a “Space Jam” idea (an idea for “making the world awesome,” to quote Kid President) that energizes you and emerges from your sense of calling. Your idea need not be original and it can impact a small community or the universe. At least one person who agrees to be your “phone a friend” contact needs to be available by phone, skype/google hangout or email during certain parts of the event.


16 participants max. 

Click here for more information on the next Hatchathon I.





Recommended if you have launched your missional enterprise and need help accelerating progress.  All participants come as teams of 2-4 people.


A 2-day intensive “hatch” process to assess your current opportunities and sticking points, deliberately addressing your missional focus, ministry goals and activities, and economic model, and marketing plan, with a laser focus on translating your venture into action.


You will create and/or refine prototypes for your venture’s framing documents, as well as create an initial “pitch” video that can be used as the basis for communicating your vision. Your venture need not be original and it can impact a small community or the universe.


Minimum 5 teams, maximum 8. 

Click here for more information on the next Hatchathon II.



HATCHATHON LABORATORY (for executive leaders and organizations)


Recommended for church or nonprofit leadership teams, boards of directors, faculty and administrators, or other stakeholders who need a creative process to generate multiple responses to a shared institutional reality. Designed to the specifications of the sponsoring organization.  


A 1-day intensive “hatch” process to assess your current mission, opportunities and sticking points, in order to generate multiple creative responses to institutional realities facing your organization. Each scenario generates different goals and activities, economic models, marketing approaches, etc. At the end of the session, participants determine the two responses demanding their immediate attention, and develop "next steps" toward implementing those responses. (NOTE:  This event may be employed for creativity training as well as for practical problem-solving.)


Minimum 6 participants (no maximum).

Click here for more information on developing a Hatchathon III for your organization.



START-UP CLINIC (A Hatchathon for a Sponsoring Organization)


Recommended for a sponsoring group (e.g., a conference, diocese, judicatory, cohort, or educational institution) that wants to offer start-up training for participants who serve the sponsoring group's unique context. Start up clinics are customized to the sponsoring organizations needs, with some start-up clinics launching ideas from scratch and others focused on accelerating existing ventures.  


A 3.5 day intensive collaboratory designed to move missional start-ups forward for persons doing ministry in similar contexts (participants may work together on the same venture or on different ventures in similar contexts).  


Though every start up clinic will be uniquely customized, each clinic starts with a feasibility analysis, finalizes start up documents, explores various models of incorporation, and hones your ministry plan, business model, and marketing strategies. You will also have initial conversations with support persons (e.g. representatives from the legal, entrepreneurial, and design worlds who are interested in supporting start-up ministries). By the end of the clinic, you will have a timeline for launch in place. The last night of the clinic includes a pitch night/feedback session, designed to prepare you to communicate your proposal with funders and other stakeholders.


Number of participants negotiable.

Click here for more information on Start-Up Clinics.





Recommended for individuals, congregations, organizations, missional enterprises at any stage in their missional enterprise, who have a particular issue or concern for which they require outside guidance.  


Click here if you would like to schedule a conversaton about a targeted consulting relationship.




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